Hi I'm Carmen! I lived at Gaithersburg Veterinary Clinic for most of my life and then started Vet School in Madison, Wisconsin 2 years ago. Since then I've just spent the summertime in Gaithersburg. You can read more about me here! I've just arrived back in Madison for the 3rd of 4 years of school and what a labor day weekend it has been! I got to experience my least favorite and most favorite things all in 1 weekend. My least favorite thing is car rides. Sure, I have my cat bed of choice in my carrier and I may or may not have dozed off a bit, but the car is bad. I took the time to explain to my chauffeur - in full detail - how horrible the car is. Yes the full extent of my hatred of the car takes a couple hours to explain, but I assure you it was all very important stuff I said. When we finally arrived, I wasted no time and almost immediately sprawled out on my most favorite thing: carpet. It's so soft! So squishy! So comfortable! I could roll around on it all day long! |