Meet the Team
Bonnie J. Hileman, DVM, Practice Owner
My family moved to Monrovia in 1968 and I still live in Frederick County while most of my family currently resides in Florida. I graduated summa cum laude from Loyola College, Baltimore in 1984 with a BS in biology. I graduated from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1988 and am a member of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society and Phi Zeta Veterinary Honor Society. I knew in eighth grade that I wanted to be a veterinarian and have loved every minute of my career. My favorite part of veterinary medicine is being able to tell someone who thinks they are going to lose their friend that we can help them and they shouldn't have to lose their friend now. The hardest part is helping someone say goodbye to the pet they love, especially since that pet has often touched my heart. I have a special interest in managing the multiple problems that affect an older pet's quality of life. We also work very hard to diagnose, treat, and manage urinary problems in our patients. Since many of the animals that end up with a rescue group were given up because of a urinary problem, we don't want our clients to feel they have no option for dealing with their pet's urinary problem except to give him up. I adopted Poppet and Birch from Friends of Montgomery County Animals. My horse Rose only sees me occasionally. Fortunately she is a very lazy Appaloosa and would rather not work. I also enjoy reading, cross stitching, crocheting, and gardening.
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Lori Lonergan, Remote Administrator
My name is Lori. I originally hail from New Jersey, but moved to Maryland in 2007. I've had a variety of pets over the years, including dogs, cats,mice, guinea pigs, fish, and birds. Pictured with me is Mooshie the Maine Coon, the best cat ever. I love working with the staff at GVC, and especially enjoy interacting with the puppies and kittens I meet here.
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Jenny Searles, Veterinary Nurse
Hello! My name is Jenny Searles, and I joined the Gaithersburg Veterinary Clinic staff in January, 2016. I am a homeschooled high school student taking classes at Montgomery College through dual enrollment and looking forward to graduating in the summer of 2017 where I plan to go on to a 4-year University and earn a bachelor’s degree in biology. I have been a Montgomery County 4-H’er for nearly 10 years, where I have competed in many public speaking competitions and attended National competitions in Hippology and Horse Bowl. Through over 200 volunteer hours, I became a lifetime member of the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, where I was selected as the 2015 Fair Queen. I volunteer on the Junior Committee with the Washington International Horse Show, where I plan activities for this international equestrian event held in DC every October.I have a 9-year-old quarter horse/paint gelding named Samson and a 6-year-old off-the-track thoroughbred mare named Ginger who I compete in the hunter/jumper discipline. I also have two dogs (Remington and Cricket), and a cat (Ferdinand). I can't wait to meet your furry family!